Engagement SPIRALS in elementary students: a school-based self-regulated learning approach
Antúnez, Ángela
;Pérez-Herrero, María del Henar
; Rosário, Pedro;Vallejo, Guillermo
;Núñez, José Carlos
Journal Article
SPIRALS program was designed in accordance with the inclusive Universal Design for Learning approach and the social cognitive model of self-regulated learning. This project aims to promote cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement among elementary students, and especially those at high risk of dropping out (such as Roma students). To test the efficacy of the program, an intervention study was performed for four months within a truly inclusive learning environment, involving the whole classes. A quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with a control group (n = 63) and an experimental group (n = 57) was used. The dependent variables were student engagement (cognitive, emotional, and behavioral), academic self-concept, perceived climate of support, reading comprehension, and academic performance. Students in the experimental group exhibited statistically significant improvements compared to the control group in six of the seven dependent variables analyzed (behavioral and emotional engagement, academic self-concept, perceived climate of support, reading comprehension, and academic performance). Further, the magnitude of differences tended to be larger in student engagement, perceived climate of support, and reading comprehension than in academic self-concept or academic performance. These results provide evidence supporting the usefulness of intervention programs aimed at promoting student engagement, specifically among students at higher risk of failure or dropout.
Our work was mainly funded by a “Severo Ochoa” research scholarship from the Asturian Regional Ministry of Education awarded to Ángela Antúnez (Project BP14-108). Additionally, this research activity received some funding from ADIR research group, which is granted by the European Regional Development Funds (European Union and Principality of Asturias) through the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (GRUPIN14-100, GRUPIN14-053 and FC-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000199).