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Shift work, satisfaction with work schedule, and well-being: an analysis in the health sector

Shift work, satisfaction with work schedule, and well-being: an analysis in the health sector

Costa, Daniela


Silva, Isabel Maria Soares da

| 2024 | DOI

Book Chapter

Shift work, especially if it involves night work, has been associated with several consequences for workers, not only in terms of health, but also in other spheres of life such as family life. In general, the greater difficulty of this schedule is owing to the requirement to invert the sleep-wake cycle and the need to work in periods that are highly valued from the social perspective. In the analysis carried out, two work schedules (shift work versus normal hours) were compared in terms of satisfaction with work schedule and well-being. Data were collected online that involve 386 healthcare professionals (273 shift workers and 113 day workers). The results indicate that there are differences in satisfaction with work schedule and well-being depending on the work schedule. Specifically, shift workers have lower satisfaction and lower well-being as compared to day workers. In both groups, satisfaction with work schedule was positively correlated with well-being. In shift workers, differences were found depending on the gender and age of the children. In this group, a correlation was also observed between well-being and the age of workers. Finally, the importance of implementing strategies that can minimize the impact of shift work has been discussed.
FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(SFRH/BD/147176/2019)


Ano de Publicação: 2024

Editora: Springer Nature


ISSN: 2198-4182

ISBN: 978-3-031-38276-5