Functional neuroimaging and behavioral correlates of multisite tDCS as an add-on to language training in a person with post-stroke non-fluent aphasia: a year-long case study
Mendes, Augusto J.
;Calvo, Alberto Lema
;Soares, José Miguel
; Sampaio, Adriana;Leite, Jorge
;Carvalho, Sandra
Journal Article
Mary, who experienced non-fluent aphasia as a result of an ischemic stroke, received 10 years of personalized language training (LT), resulting in transient enhancements in speech and comprehension. To enhance these effects, multisite transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) was added to her LT regimen for 15 sessions. Assessment using the Reliable Change Index showed that this combination improved her left inferior frontal connectivity and speech production for two months and significantly improved comprehension after one month. The results indicate that using multisite transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can improve the effectiveness of language therapy (LT) for individuals with non-fluent aphasia.