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Quality of life in nurses from neurological wards: The mediating role of burnout

Quality of life in nurses from neurological wards: The mediating role of burnout

Lima, Sara


Machado, José Cunha

; Vilaça, Margarida; Pereira, M. Graça
| 2024 | DOI

Journal Article

In recent years, nurses experienced higher workloads which has an adverse impact on their quality of life (QoL), particularly in nurses from neurological wards as they are exposed to additional stressors due to physical and psychological strains. This study analyzed the relationship between psychological morbidity, burnout, social support, career duration, and QoL in nurses from neurological wards, including the indirect effect of burnout. A total of 92 nurses were assessed on social support, psychological distress, burnout, and QoL. Pearson’s correlations and a path analysis were conducted to analyze the relationship among variables. The results showed that burnout had an indirect effect in the relationship between psychological morbidity/satisfaction with social support and mental QoL. Physical QoL showed an indirect effect in the relationship between career duration/psychological morbidity and mental QoL. Satisfaction with social support had a direct effect on mental QoL, although career duration directly impacted physical QoL. Interventions on burnout and physical QoL are crucial to promote nurses’ mental QoL, particularly nurses with longer careers. Programs of occupational health should address stress management to promote nurses’ engagement, since hospitals and nursing homes are excellent settings to offer these types of programs on a regular basis.


Ano de Publicação: 2024

Editora: Taylor & Francis