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Project from CIPsi awarded the UMinho Prize for Scientific Research Initiation 2023

The ceremony of the fourth edition of the UMinho Award for Initiation in Scientific Research was held on December 12, 2023 and was attended by 27 participants. This annual initiative, promoted by the Rectorate in coordination with the research centers, aims to foster the engagement of the UM 1st cycle students in real research settings with the supervision of renowned researchers, while deepening their interest in science. 

Two projects developed at CIPsi were selected for presentation:

Under the guidance of Dr. Alberto Villar, the student Mafalda Pinheiro da Cruz presented the project "O toque afetivo pode reduzir o stress? Um estudo utilizando índices de atividade cardíaca" (Can affective touch reduce stress? A study using cardiac activity indexes).

Under the guidance of Dr. Liliana Capitão, the student Catarina Gonçalves Fagundes presented the project "O que acontece quando nos zangamos ou sentimos raiva? Um estudo cognitivo e neuropsicofisológico" (What happens when we get mad or feel angry? A cognitive and neuropsychophysiological study).

Among the winning projects, the student Catarina Gonçalves Fagundes, from CIPsi, was distinguished with UMinho Award for Initiation in Scientific Research 2023.

CIPsi congratulates the students for the excellent projects presented and the researchers Alberto Villar and Liliana Capitão, supervisors of the research projects.

More info and the full list of winners: