Opportunity to actively contribute your voice and experiences to the development of a new research project on the humanization of childbirth.
Whom are we looking for?
Pregnant individuals, mothers of children up to 3 years old, fathers of children up to 3 years old, healthcare professionals in the perinatal care field (e.g., obstetric/neonatal/pediatric care), and representatives of associations whose goals align with the research project.
What is our objective?
With the aim of better understanding the childbirth experience in Portugal and the social, economic, and health-related impact associated with the implementation of certain healthcare practices, a new research project is being developed. This project involves collaboration with researchers associated with the University of Minho, Universidade Lusíada do Porto, and Liverpool John Moores University (United Kingdom).
What will you do?
By participating in the Public Engagement Panel, you can contribute your insights on the project's areas of interest, provide feedback on the project's findings, and assist in planning the dissemination of results within the community.
How does it work?
The group of individuals selected to join the Public Engagement Panel will participate in online meetings with the research team. Meeting times will be scheduled based on the availability of panel members.
I'm interested! How can I participate?
You should submit your application by completing the application questionnaire by March 18th.
More information and application questionnaire: www.tinyurl.com/pepub
Have any questions? If you need clarification on any issue or are unsure about your eligibility to join the group, please email: bebescientistas@psi.uminho.pt