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criança e mãe no quarto

Attachment and Parenthood


The Research Group on Attachment and Parenthood conducts studies within the framework of Developmental Psychopathology and attachment theory, based on an ecological approach. In this line of research, our studies are focused on the development of children aged 0 to 6 years in contexts of high bio-psychosocial risk, as well as the impact of parents' adverse experiences during their own childhood from an intergenerational perspective.

Among other topics, our team has investigated the etiopathogenesis of attachment disorders and emotional, sociocognitive, and behavioral problems in children with experiences of disruptions in parental care (e.g., effects of premature birth, effects of neglect and threat in the family) or deprivation of parental care (e.g., being in residential care), adopting a multi-level integrative perspective on the contributions of genes, brain functioning, and the quality of family, relational, and social contexts.

Methodologically, our studies have involved a multi-level approach and observational methodology focused on interactions between the parental figure and the child, and more recently, with a focus on the quality of affective touch between the parental figure and the child.


Group Leader

Selected Publications

Or Dagan

Carlo Schuengel

Marije L. Verhage

Sheri Madigan

Glenn I. Roisman

Kristin Bernard

Robbie Duschinsky

Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg

Jean-François Bureau

Abraham Sagi-Schwartz

Rina D. Eiden

Maria S. Wong

Geoffrey L. Brown

Mirjam Oosterman

R. M. Pasco Fearon

Howard Steele

C. Martins

Ora Aviezer

Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación e Avaliação Psicológica | 2023

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | 2023

Ana Conde

Margarida Marques

Rafael A. Caparros-Gonzalez

Emma Fransson

Alkistis Skalkidou

Raquel Costa

Pelin Dikmen-Yildiz

Susana Faria

Gabriela Silvestrini

Vera Mateus

Eleni Vousoura

Claire A. Wilson

Ethel Felice

Erilda Ajaz

Eleni Hadjigeorgiou

Camellia Hancheva

Yolanda Contreras-García

Sara Domínguez-Salas

Emma Motrico

Susan Ayers