The Research Group in Psycholinguistics (RGP) is an interdisciplinary team interested in studying how language is represented in the mind, and how it is processed, comprehended and acquired by 'normal' speakers of one or more languages, and by individuals with certain types of linguistic impairments (e.g., Dyslexia, Specific Language Impairment).
Using a variety of behavioral and neuroscience methods like eye-tracking, ERPs, statistical learning experiments, corpus analysis, and computational modeling, in our lab we cover a range of research areas, namely, lexical and sublexical factors with impact upon visual word recognition, sentence processing and syntactic ambiguity resolution, word representation and processing in bilinguals, Tip-of-the-Tongue phenomena and text production, as well as lexical databases / normative studies supporting research in these areas. The RGP also acts as a support platform to bring together students who wish to pursue their Master's and Doctorate studies in this specific area of Human Cognition.