Paulo PP Machado
- Full ProfessorInstitutionEscola de Psicologia da Universidade do MinhoStart date
Full Professor at the School of Psychology, University of Minho. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1993 and subsequently joined the University of Porto, finally settling at the University of Minho. He has served as a Guest Professor at the Universities of Granada, Huelva, and Santiago (Spain), Federal University of Pernambuco and Catholic University of Pelotas (Brazil), and Simon Fraser University (Canada). His academic career has been dedicated to the study of psychotherapy effectiveness, improvement of methodologies for monitoring therapeutic outcomes in mental health, and the development of individualized intervention and prevention programs for eating disorders and obesity. His current research aims to: (1) develop models to identify environmental and psychological factors associated with treatment response and course; (2) adapt psychological interventions to individual needs (e.g., step-wise approach); and (3) devise strategies that extend beyond the initial phases of treatment, focusing on maintaining long-term therapeutic gains (e.g., using communication technologies).Paulo PP Machado has served as the President of the Society for Psychotherapy and Editor of the journal Psychotherapy Research. He is a Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders, Past-President of the Eating Disorder Research Society, and the Behavioral Eating Disorders Core.