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Predictive validity of the YLS/CMI in a sample of Portuguese young offenders

Predictive validity of the YLS/CMI in a sample of Portuguese young offenders

Gouveia, Claúdia


Fernandes, Delfina


Pratas, Miguel


Macedo, Margarida


Cóias, João


Pral, Catarina


Pinto, Renata


Bastos, Maria


Bento, Ana


Lagoa, Teresa

; Gonçalves, Rui Abrunhosa; Caridade, Sónia Maria Martins
| 2024 | DOI

Artigo de Jornal

The Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) is a
widely used risk assessment instrument that comprehensively assesses risk
factors and criminogenic needs among young individuals. This study explores
the association between YLS/CMI scores and subsequent recidivism among
608 Portuguese young offenders aged 12 to 18 years. The results support
the predictive validity of the YLS/CMI in assessing recidivism among young
offenders. The study found significant connections between YLS/CMI scores
and recidivism for Placement in an Education Center (PEC) measures,
indicating higher scores correlated with increased reoffending likelihood.
However, no significant association was found between YLS/CMI scores
and recidivism in Educational Supervision (ES) measures. These results
emphasize the need to consider specific measures when gauging YLS/CMI’s
predictive validity.


Ano de Publicação: 2024

Editora: SAGE Publications