Spatial and temporal (non)binding of audiovisual rhythms in sensorimotor synchronisation
Journal Article
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Human movement synchronisation with moving objects strongly relies on visual input. However, auditory information also plays an important role, since real environments are intrinsically multimodal. We used electroencephalography (EEG) frequency tagging to investigate the selective neural processing and integration of visual and auditory information during motor tracking and tested the effects of spatial and temporal congruency between audiovisual modalities. EEG was recorded while participants tracked with their index finger a red flickering (rate fV = 15 Hz) dot oscillating horizontally on a screen. The simultaneous auditory stimulus was modulated in pitch (rate fA = 32 Hz) and lateralised between left and right audio channels to induce perception of a periodic displacement of the sound source. Audiovisual congruency was manipulated in terms of space in Experiment 1 (no motion, same direction or opposite direction), and timing in Experiment 2 (no delay, medium delay or large delay). For both experiments, significant EEG responses were elicited at fV and fA tagging frequencies. It was also hypothesised that intermodulation products corresponding to the nonlinear integration of visual and auditory stimuli at frequencies fV ± fA would be elicited, due to audiovisual integration, especially in Congruent conditions. However, these components were not observed. Moreover, synchronisation and EEG results were not influenced by congruency manipulations, which invites further exploration of the conditions which may modulate audiovisual processing and the motor tracking of moving objects.
We thank Ashleigh Clibborn and Ayah Hammoud for their assistance with data collection. This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Council (DP170104322, DP220103047). OML is supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science,
Technology and Higher Education, through the national funds, within the scope of the Transitory Disposition of the Decree No. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law No. 57/2017 of 19 July (Ref.: SFRH/BPD/72710/2010)