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Seminário “Evidence-Based Mental Health Policy: What Does It Mean and How Can We Do It?”, lecionado pela Doutora Francisca Vargas Lopes,

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Seminar "Evidence-Based Mental Health Policy: What Does It Mean and How Can We Do It?", by Dr. Francisca Vargas Lopes, June 5th, School of Psychology, University of Minho, from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM

The first part of the seminar is devoted to what evidence-based mental health policy means. We start with an introduction to the concept of evidence-based policy and move towards discussing the ideal targets of such a policy. This includes reflecting not only on mental health care system benchmarks but also on how to tackle the social determinants of mental health and integrate mental health policy into the youth, education, labour, and welfare agendas. In the second part of the seminar, we discuss how to implement evidence-based mental health policy, including the type of indicators to be measured, methods to monitor and evaluate policy and programs, and the pitfalls of performance measurement and of bridging research and policy worlds. The seminar concludes interactively, with participants reflecting on the content to identify opportunities for fostering evidence-based practices in their ecosystems as well as the associated challenges.