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Save the Date | Coordinator of the Laboratory of Neurosciences at CIPsi is a member of the organizing committee of the Global Neuropsychology Congress

Submissions for the Global Neuropsychology Congress, which will take place from July 3rd to 5th in Porto, are now open!

Adriana Sampaio, coordinator of the Psychological Neuroscience Laboratory, is part of the organizing committee of the congress, co-organized by the Australasian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI), the Federation of European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN), the International Neuropsychological Society (INS), and the Sociedad Latinoamericana de Neuropsicologia.

It will be a global meeting of experts from ASSBI, FESN, INS, and SLAN, among other professionals. The congress will present new scientific research relevant to neuropsychology, promoting the exchange of knowledge among participants.

The initiative aims to overcome barriers, with the goal of people worldwide benefiting from contributions to the science and practice of neuropsychology, promoting widespread and equitable access to advances and knowledge in this field.

Submissions for abstracts are open!

Abstract Submission Opening: December 1, 2023 
Abstract Submission Deadline: February 5, 2024 
Notification of Abstract Acceptance: March 12, 2024

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