The poster “The effect of response modality on witness statements when using the self-administered interview”, by student João Pedro Gomes, won the Students’ Poster Award at the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL) Conference 2024.
This study, carried out within the Master’s Thesis in Basic Processes of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Psychology, supervised by Professors Pedro Albuquerque and Rui Paulo (Liverpool John Moores University), compared the effectiveness of the Self-Administered Interview (SAI) when the answers are spoken or typed, observing that spoken reports are as precise as typed ones, but less time-consuming. It is suggested that technologies could be integrated to allow both modalities, thereby promoting equity of access to police services. This can benefit witnesses who find it difficult to provide written reports.
The EAPL Annual Conference 2024, organized by the Egas Moniz School of Health and Science and the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL), took place between July 9th and 12th, bringing together researchers and professionals from various legal contexts.
Congratulations on the award!