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Leisure and well-being across countries in the area of Coronavirus-19: Trends and applications (WLO_2020_01)



The Coronavirus-19 pandemic has compromised forms of social interaction and full access to leisure as a primary source of meaningfulness in life and well-being. The research project, Leisure and Well-Being Across Countries in the Era of Coronavirus-19: Trends and Applications, proposed by the World Leisure Organization – Leisure and Well-Being Special Interest Group (chair Teresa Freire) has been awarded by the Strategic Priority Grants, and involves different countries with the following objectives:

  • To know about the periods before Covid-19 and during Covid-19 lockdowns and variables related to leisure and well-being;
  • To explore practices, experiences, and concepts in relation to different countries, discussing about culture and relations with leisure and well-being;
  • To conclude on trends, applications, and guidelines, contributing to new opportunities for enhancing well-being through leisure.