Jennifer Cunha
Jennifer Cunha completed her Ph.D. in Applied Psychology in 2018 at Universidade do Minho and her Master in Psychology in 2013 at the same university. She is a Junior Researcher hired by the Psychology Research Center (Universidade do Minho) and published 31 articles in specialized peer-reviewed journals. Participated in congresses through 24 oral presentations and 12 through posters. She has 6 book chapters published and organized 3 national seminars. She has co-supervised master and doctoral dissertations and taught classes in two Masters (Educational Psychology and Themes of Educational Psychology) and several courses focused on mentoring and self-regulated learning for teachers and psychologists. She has participated in funded projects in the community (e.g., Gulbenkian Knowledge Academies). She has been engaged in training teachers and psychologists to implement evidence-based interventions of her research group to promote students¿ agency in their learning process. In her professional activities, she interacted with several researchers and co-authored scientific papers. At the same time, she has been firmly committed to research dissemination in educational contexts for teachers, school administrators, psychologists, and parents. She received 3 awards and 3 recognitions for her research activities. Recently, Jennifer was awarded a FCT grant as a PI: "There¿s no Planet B!: Adolescents' agency towards climate change problem (PTDC/PSI-GER/1892/2021) funded by FCT (246.820,39 euros). H-index: 15 (Source: Scopus)