Helena Mendes Oliveira
Since 2014, I have been working as a researcher on the Research Group in Psycholinguistics (RGP; CIPsi; University of Minho), working daily with the coordinator of the RGP, Professor Ana Paula Soares, one of the most renowned Portuguese Psycholinguists. Having the opportunity to be directly involved in several research projects, allowed me to deeper explore different research topics and develop several research abilities and skills. Besides, during this time, I have closely collaborated with most of the projects developed within the RGP, which resulted in over thirty publications, many in high-impact peer-reviewed international journals (Q1 or Q2), and more than twenty presentations on national and international meetings. Among the projects, I have been involved in is the development of a lexical database - The Minho Word Pool (see http://p-pal.di.uminho.pt/about/databases). Being part of this team, allowed me to develop specific competencies in the development of these kinds of tools, which will undoubtedly be very helpful for the development of the database on morphology I intend to develop in the next years. The fact that I have supervised several Master theses and one Doctoral dissertation, constitutes a major asset for me to be able to recruit new students that are interested in developing their work in the field of morphology. Another important project in which I have been directly involved in the last three years (and of which I am the Co-PI), was a funded project by the FCT (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028212) - Neurodevelopmental correlates of implicit-explicit learning mechanisms in children with Specific Language Impairment: Evidence from Event-Related Brain Potentials (PTDC/PSI-ESP/28212/2017). In particular, I have actively collaborated in the development and implementation of the experimental tasks, data analysis, as well as in all the processes of dissemination of the results, such as paper writing and oral presentations (note that, from this project, more than ten papers were published, as well as a doctoral dissertation and several master theses). Moreover, within this project, and other projects in which I have been involved, I had the opportunity to establish national and international networks, having collaborated with several national international laboratories and researchers in the field of Psycholinguistics, Linguistics, and Computational Engineering, which constitutes a very important asset for me to develop a new line of research in an interdisciplinary area, as it is the case of Morphological Processing. I have also collaborated, as a reviewer, with several international journals (e.g. Applied Psycholinguistics; Bilingualism: Language and Cognition; Diacrítica; Language Learning; Frontiers in Communication - section Language Sciences; International Journal of Bilingualism). Besides this, in the last years, I had the opportunity to teach several subjects on graduation and post-graduation courses (e.g., Psychology of Language, Research Methods in Psychology), as well as being part of the scientific committees of several national and international meetings.