Cyber interpersonal violence: Adolescent perspectives and digital practices
Artigo de Jornal
Background: The pervasive use of technology, especially among adolescents, has enabled
cyber communication and brought many advantages but also led to potential violence. The issue
of cyber interpersonal violence (CIV) impacting young individuals is increasingly recognized as a
matter of public health; however, little is known about adolescents’ perspectives of the phenomenon.
This study explores adolescents’ perspectives on CIV. It seeks to understand their interpretations of
abuse, victim impact and reactions, violence escalation, gender issues, victimization and perpetration
patterns, and bystander roles. Methods: This qualitative study used fifteen focus groups to gather
elementary school participants’ perspectives on cyber interpersonal violence. From four Portuguese
schools, 108 participants (M = 12.87 and SD = 0.31) participated in the study. A thematic analysis
uncovered three themes. The results evidenced adolescents’ perspectives about CIV. Due to the
amount of time spent online, adolescents regularly encounter cyber harassment and recognize
the importance of help-seeking. Mental health problems and their influence on the social and
educational lives of adolescents is arising as a CIV problem. Conclusions: Parents play a crucial role
in mitigating CIV as well as bystanders. Future programs should promote healthy relationships, raise
CIV awareness, involve stakeholders, guide parents, integrate perpetrators into programs, and foster
effective networking.