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Professor Soely Polydoro and Professor Adriane Soares, researchers at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), were at CIPsi on 25, 26 and 27 October, invited by the University Research Group on Self-regulation (GUIA, Grupo Universitário de Investigação em Autorregulação), of the Learning, Instruction and Career Laboratory.

Eduardo López-Caneda, researcher at CIPsi's Psychological Neuroscience Laboratory received the 2023 CANTAB Research Grant award (secondary award).

On 1 October 2023, the Portuguese Association of Trisomy 21 Carriers granted the Maria Teresa Palha Award to Professor Iolanda Ribeiro, among other personalities, whose work has contributed decisively and with a particular impact on the support to children, adolescents and adults with Neurodevelopmental Disorders.

Ana Seara Cardoso, researcher at  Psychological Neuroscience Laboratory, published a book chapter entitled "The '(a)moral brain': When things go wrong".

The event started today, September 11th, with the opening session of the Master's in Human Cognition, featuring a conference by Professor Rui Mata (University of Basel) at 11:30 AM.

At 5:00 PM, master's students will present the results of their work in a poster session.

The conference "Uma Abordagem Interseccional sobre o Impacto da Pandemia" (An Intersectional Approach on the Pandemic Impact), which studied the Covid-19 impact, within the CIPsi's project "Efeitos da Pandemia Covid-19 em Mulheres e Raparigas NPT: Uma Abordagem Interseccional" (Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on TCN Women and Girls: an Intersectional Approach) funded by the Asylum, Migration a

It is with great pride that CIPsi congratulates Isabel Soares,  coordinator of the Attachment and Parenting, group, which is part of the CIPsi's Development and Psychopathology Labo

In the month celebrating National Scientists' Day, CIPsi gains prominence in the international ranking published by the platform "," which annually ranks the best and most influential scientists in the world in their respective fields.

Researcher from the Laboratory of Psychological Neuroscience represents CIPsi in international project funded by the Wellcome Trust

Until June 6th, it is possible to participate in the study "The impact of organizational culture on the mental health and well-being of legal professionals", conducted by the Collaborative Laboratory ProChild CoLAB in partnership with CIPsi and promoted by the association Direito Mental.