Joana Arantes, coordinator of the Evolution and Decision-making group at CIPsi's Human Cognition Laboratory, was interviewed by Sara Sofia Gonçalves, from Notícias Magazine, for the article "Chemistry and the finitude of passion".
This article seeks to answer questions such as: Can science associate specific elements, such as feelings, hormones, and even a kind of expiration date, to passion? Why doesn't passion last forever?
CIPsi's researcher states that, typically, passion lasts for one to three years and that studies show that sexual desire decreases over this time, also reducing the general excitement about the relationship. A person who is in love – the researcher explains – perceives the world in a more positive way, has recurrent and obsessive thoughts about their beloved, and can sometimes even lose sleep and appetite. All these feelings are perceived due to a plethora of hormones.
Joana Arantes also pointed out that studies conducted recently in the Evolution and Decision-makinggroup show that there are changes at the level of our attention, memory and time perception when we see our beloved one.
Read the full article here: